
IoT Based Patient Monitoring and Ambulance Tracking

IoT Based Patient Monitoring and Ambulance Tracking


The proposed system outlines the design of a monitoring solution for emergency patient transportation, leveraging Google Maps and GPS technology to track ambulance locations. With road accidents being a leading cause of fatalities in India, this system aims to provide rapid medical assistance to accident victims through advanced wireless technologies, including GPS and GSM modems. Continuous monitoring of ambulance routes and patient status during critical transport times can significantly enhance medical care.

A key challenge in emergency patient transport is traffic congestion, which the system addresses by enabling efficient traffic control. It can track ambulance locations and display vital patient data, such as heart rate and temperature. Upon receiving an SMS alert, hospitals can prepare their staff to administer appropriate treatment promptly. Additionally, the system optimizes traffic flow by turning all traffic signals green along the ambulance's route, ensuring faster passage.

The system also records historical patient data, facilitating improved care through accessible medical history. Patient information can be retrieved using biometric devices available in the ambulance, further enhancing the effectiveness of emergency medical services.

Problem Definition
India has the highest number of road accidents in the world, and without prompt medical attention, accident victims are at significant risk of losing their lives. As traffic congestion continues to rise, ambulances often face delays during emergencies, hindering their ability to reach victims quickly. This situation highlights the urgent need for a solution to optimize traffic flow, ensuring that medical assistance can reach accident victims in the shortest time possible.

Hardware requirements


System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.

Hard Disk : 40 GB.

Floppy Drive : 44 Mb.


Software requirements

Operating system:  Windows 7.

Coding Language : Java 1.7,phpTool Kit : Android 2.3 ABOVE

IDE : Android Studio

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